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What We Offer

If you require physical therapy services, you can stay at home and allow us to come to you. Whether you have a doctor’s note or simply want to keep your mobility, we will partner with you to set goals and help you accomplish them. Older adults don’t have to lose their independence if they focus on functionality, mobility, and strength training. As geriatric physical therapists, we are certified to keep you safe and work with your doctor on a recovery plan. 


physical therapy services

Physical Therapy

We work with your insurance to diagnose and recommend a specific geriatric physical therapy plan. If you are concerned about your strength or are recovering from a recent surgery, call us to schedule a complimentary phone consultation. 


Fall Prevention

Don’t wait to call us until after you’ve had a fall! Our fall prevention physical therapy sessions include a personalized training plan to strengthen your muscles and balance.

fall prevention services

health and wellness training

Health & Wellness Training

As geriatric physical therapists, one of our primary passions is seeing our clients own their own health and wellness. Learn more about our health and wellness training and physical therapy services to see how we can help you maintain your strength and independence.


Parkinson’s Disease Therapy

We are certified to work with patients who have Parkinson’s. Our treatments are covered by insurance and focus on evaluating and treating the symptoms that you’re dealing with so you can have more mobility. 

Parkinson's Disease training

Bone Health services

Bone Health

If you suffer from a bone health disease like osteoporosis or osteopenia, we offer bone health therapy sessions that will strengthen your body, improve your posture, and alleviate some of your associated pain. Learn more about our bone health sessions to see if it’s right for you.

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